At-home whitening uses the same whitening technology as above.
With the application of a Peroxide based gel, this interacts with the tooth surface to remove surface staining, discolouration, and transforms the intrinsic shade of the teeth to provide a sparkling white result.
Bespoke customised whitening trays are provided in order to complete a 14 day at-home whitening treatment. This whitening system is convenient for every lifestyle, as the overall result can be managed at your pace.
Attend for a consultation and if suitable to begin whitening, one of the dentists can take some moulds of your teeth. The customised lab manufactured whitening trays are made and fitted. The gels are also dispensed and then need to be worn for a period of 2 weeks overnight with the gels. By providing bespoke trays, this allows for future top ups to enhance the shade as the syringes can be purchased individually at a later date.
A dental examination or “check-up” is our way of making sure your oral health is maintained for today, tomorrow and the future.